


Visit Prototype


Branding and Website Design

A product design for a client using AI to improve job recruitment rates among veterans. The project underwent the full human-centered design process, from research to final prototype. The final product strikes a balance between an efficient recruitment tool and a humanizing applicant overview that acknowledges diverse and/or unconventional professional backgrounds.

Design Goals:

1. Making the candidate screening process more efficient.

2. Providing deeper insight into a candidate than standard recruitment tools and encouraging further relationship–building.

3. Encouraging collaboration between multiple people and simplifying the process of sharing information about candidates.

4. Considering a range of recruiter experience with diversity and inclusion–conscious hiring practices. Acknowledging inexperience with unconventional backgrounds, such as veteran terminology.


Competitor Analysis: Sample

Research & Positioning

User Personas: Sample

User Journey & Insights

Initial Designs

Brand Identity

High-Fidelity Prototype & Mockups

Candidate View: Laptop Mockup

Position View

All Candidates: Overview

Export candidate to share with team or to external tool

Candidate View

Sign–in Page

Position–Related Resources Overview


© Sasha Kostenko 2024. Website developed by Sasha Kostenko. alexandrakostenko5@gmail.com